Delete Frequently Visited Sites

Disable Frequently Visited Sites on an iPhone or iPad. As of iOS 9, it’s now possible to disable the “Frequently Visited Sites” feature, preventing any frequently visited sites from appearing on the new tab page in Safari on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Only icons for your favorites will appear on Safari’s new tab page. How do i delete most visited from my kindle fire, see also any related to how do i delete most visited from my kindle fire, from on May 2019. I have enabled 'Delete Browsing History on Exit' option (no effect). Two questions towards a solution to my problem: How to make IE 9 completely forget Frequently Visited Sites, without storing any traces? Is there a plugin that clears Frequently Visited Sites automatically when the browser is closed?
How To Delete Frequently Visited Sites Google Chrome

Delete Frequently Visited Sites On My Ipad
I use Internet Explorer 9 for exactly one web site as that web site makes use of ActiveX. Since I use the same site all the time, I noticed that IE 9 keeps the URL I visit in frequently used URL list. I've disabled indexing of IE information in Indexing Options (no effect). I have enabled 'Delete Browsing History on Exit' option (no effect).Two questions towards a solution to my problem:.How to make IE 9 completely forget Frequently Visited Sites, without storing any traces?.Is there a plugin that clears Frequently Visited Sites automatically when the browser is closed?