Borderlands 2 Clan Wars Quest
caption id=attachment154 align=alignright width=316 SMG/captionThere is a clan mission in Borderlands 2 called Clan War: Zafords vs.
Loading TypeLevelRewardSide Mission18$551 Assault Rifle or Pistol 2611 XPBrief Wanna star a clan war?This quest isn't all that difficult, but it takes a while to complete since you have to travel between multiple locations. You can get the Clan War mission from at Ellie's Garage. Basically, you're supposed to start a clan war between the Zafords and the Hodunks. While is talking, grab the dynamite from the garage window, then grab the two emblems from the junkyard. Get yourself a car and head to Hodunk Speedway. Run up to the pillar on the left. Attach the dynamite, and step back.
Head just around the corner and place the Zaford emblem. Next, sabotage The Holy Spirits distillery. Jump in your car and head back to The Highlands. Attach the dynamite to the distillery, then place the Hodunk emblem. Zaford will ask you to come to The Holy Spirits bar. Walk on in and look for the bartender with the green bowler hat.
That's Zaford. Talk to him and he will try to get you a drink - finding that the distillery has been destroyed. Talk to Zaford again to turn in the mission and collect your rewardDebrief You've sparked a war between the Zafords and the Hodunks.
Only one question remains: Who will you side with in the end?Mechromacner Walkthrough.
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