Diablo 3 Gems Farming

Wreath of Lightning - any DPS gem you use (Trapped, Powerful. Diablo 3 Speed Farming General Guide & Protips (ANY CLASS & BUILD) D3 Necromancer Fresh Level 70 Season 17 2.6.5. A simple directory listing ALL our Diablo 3 guides: Leveling, Fresh 70, Speedfarming and Set Guides mainly. Welcome to our D3 Speedfarming primer – this nifty little guide basically. With a full ancient set and ultra high level gems – not something all of us have!
Diablo 3 Gems Cost
. Step 1) Go to the festering woods. There are 2 guaranteed small dungeons with a champion pack in each. You should find at least 1 champion in the area. Town portal out and way point back inbetween. Step 2) With 2-3 (probably 3) stacks, go to the cemetery There are 3 small dungeons each with 1-2 champions. Since they might only have one, leave (town portal - waypoint) as soon as you kill the first).
This gets you to 5 stacks. Clear all the tombs even if you get 5 early. Step 3) WP to leoric's manner.

Run back through the manner (0-1 packs) and outside. The courtyard has a guaranteed pack. Step 6) Optional WP back to the northern highlands and clear the watch tower.
Step 7) Optional key farming - If you are playing with Monster Power, go to the Fields of Misery and kill the there. Step 8) Optional - go to each other WP and check for very close / obvious champion packs. A lot of areas got density.