Require Administrator Permission To Delete File

I have a list of 1000 files names that I put in a text file named list.txt. Need to find them in more folders, sub folders which has 12000+ files in it. The below script works fine but I would like the Admin Right to be removed and also I want the files to be moved permanently into C: yourfiles.

Become a and go ad-free! Administrator but not, or User Account Control, is an important security feature. By default, your login account — even if it’s an “administrator” account — doesn’t actually run with administrative privileges.Why? Because when you actually run with administrative privileges, any programs you run also have full administrative privileges.Including. User Account Control, or UAC, requests confirmation when a program needs administrative access. If you know it's safe, we can bypass UAC with a shortcut. Windows programs often make these oddly named files as part of their setup process.

You'll have to make sure they are not being used to delete them. If you have the password for the administrator account, you can easily elevate any other login account to have administrator privileges.

Administrator accounts have more safety functions in them in recent Windows versions, but you're right. Running as an administrator could be a risk.Footnotes & references: It’s on all machines, and it’s hidden on purpose.

The fact that your default account is administrator- capable gives it everything most people need. I’ve yet to come across a reason to actually un-hide the account called “Administrator”.Posted: October 20, 2017in:This is a major update to an article originally posted March 3, 2011Shortlink. New Here?Let me suggest my to get you started.Of course I strongly recommend you - there's a ton of information just waiting for you.Finally, if you just can't find what you're looking for,!

Leo Who?I'm and I've been playing with computers since I took a required programming class in 1976. I spent over 18 years as a software engineer at Microsoft, and after 'retiring' in 2001 I started in 2003 as a place to help you find answers and become more confident using this amazing technology at our fingertips. I’m running Windows 7 64 bit Home Premium and I have completely disabled UAC, those popups are annoying, even at the lower security levels, plus I had some issues with installing software (probably because of this same admin-not admin issue).

I wouldn’t recommend it for computer novices but I’ve had no problems and not one single bit of malware since I got this PC 12 months ago (I do run full security software plus a few other precautions), then again I do combine this with being careful using the internet;o). Thank you for the instructions. They don’t work for me (running Win7) 🙁When I right-click on the Explorer icon, and ditto on “Run as administrator”, it asks in a new window, “Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to your computer, Yes or No”. Click on “Yes”, and up comes yet another window, “This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action.

Please install a program, or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control panel”.What’s going on?. Here’s one of your italian fan 😀 I have a problem similar to this. I have installed a videogame (excuse me if I disturb you with such a stupid problem but is really annoying). When I try to run the.exe file a window pops up saying “impossible to axcess to the dispositive, to the path or the specificated file.

It is probable that you don’t have the autorizations requested.” (translated from italian, I hope you’ll understand =) ) i tried running with UAC disabled, with the “run as administrator” option but never worked. Please help me =. Thanks for the article for I just had an experience where I had to do a system recovery and I wondered why the computer generated these “new” accounts. Found them when after the recovery I was cleaning up and reloading things back into users personal stuff. Click open C:, opened Users, and sat back and said “WHAAAT!?” Who are these accounts I didn’t set up. I know how to access the “hidden” admin account, so I’m glad I came across this article before possibly inflicting damage.

File Requires Permission To Delete

To me it’s a “looks ugly, but it works” situation. It was a frustrating, long time to find an answer and you had it!

I am very glad to have found your newsletter and becoming a subscriber. That deserves a Facebook “like”. Thank you for doing what you do.

Hello Leo,I’m trying to use a System Restore to get rid of a ICE trojan popup. At the moment the System Restore button is grayed out showing I need to be administrator. And yet my account already says I am? What else can I do?

I’m aware there is a Safe Mode with networking option but I keep going to the screen where its loadng windows Files and gets stuck there. Any advice you can provide will be greatly apprieciated. I just want my computer to work again without having to restart it every half an hour.

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My problem started with the IE saying it needs to be upgraded.the upgrade will not install unless I have windows service pack 2.found out that I needed SP1 firsttry to install SP1, it said it installed but it didn’t, tried about 10 it says that system restore was turned of by group policy and that I need to contact my “Domain Administrator”. I bought this computer in 2006 and no one has ever touched it but me.So what does it mean “domain administrator” and how do I turn System Restore back on and How do I upgrade or replace my Internet Browser??? Please help so mad right now that I can’t even see straight.Thank you, angie. I cannot remove a picture file I created literally 1 minute ago, saying I need administrator access to perform this action.

Click continue. Then it says “You need permission to perform this action. You require permission from the computer administrator to delete this file. Click try again, or cancel. Try again does nothing. Thought about using in reboot, but not sure this will work wont let me delete it in windows.

I don’t get it, Im the only account on this PC, marked as administrator in UAC account settings, and have never really had this problem until recently. I have 2 antivirus programs on the PC, Norton and Windows Defender. Found cookies but only 1 virus in the years I have used this thing. I thought about creating a new administrator account, but I had this problem with my mom’s new Windows 8 laptop and couldn’t get around it.Thanks!Ryan. No I did not.

I used my computer, which doesn’t appear to have the option to ‘run as administrator’ when you right click on the icon. I assumed (although incorrectly since you pointed out in your article) that it was for applications like Word or Adobe Acrobat etc. Rather than what I would consider more core windows files like My Computer, Network Places, etc, although this too is probably incorrect. As mentioned below, I doubt it had much to do with administrator privilege at all since the file was removed using the exact same method without issue after closing IE. I wrote above and I believe the situation is resolved.I think the file may have been in use because I was trying to upload the file to Ebay. I actually cropped the photo in pant and uploaded the new file, but later I had no issues.

I thought it usually told you ‘the file was in use’ versus the message I received regarding administrator permissions. When I went to try again later I had no problem deleting or moving the files.


Thank you anyway, I think your service is very cool and great for people like me. But since my issues resolved, you needn’t address this or the above problems.Sorry and thank you Leo,. So, I have lost all admin capabilities. I cannot install/uninstall programs, I cannot add/edit users, I cannot run a system restore with my original Windows 7 disc, nothing. I have turned on the “hidden administrator”, but again, in Users, I cannot edit/add/delete users, including the user I’m logged into. I cannot even reload Windows from my OEM disc, I get a prompt telling me I don’t have administrative permission. I’ve back everything up, my last hope is to format the harddrive and start over, but I may not even be able to do that Is there any last thing I can try?.

I had this problem myself in win 7 ult. In user account settings i click on create a new account.then check administrator and create a password. Then just type in the password when its required.if you have to keep typing in the password (which can get tedious) simply switch users and do what you`re trying to do in your administrator account. When you`re done sign out of your administrator account and switch back to your standard account for every day use. Its not a good idea to use your administrator account for everything.

Wow, this is the exact problem that I am running into. I also play Medieval II Total War, and I play on and off. For some reason, now that I try to play it, a window pops up saying that I need administrative privileges. I ran a scan of my computer to make sure I didn’t have any viruses. I also checked to make sure that, yes, I was the administrator. But for some unknown reason, I am not able to play the game because I am not considered the administrator. Leo, I would love to give you more information for the further guidance.

I just need to know what information you need in order for you to help. Thanks for your help!And Matt C, have you found a solution?. Ok – so how to turn it off.

If I am “ADMIN” do not ask me. I don’t care about malware. (I can remove it).

I am SO tired of being hassled by my own network of machines at home from the PC’s to the Mac’s – It’s constantly told I can’t move this file and I don’t have access to this file and I need admin rights when I am admin on all machines. I just WANT IT STOPPED. I don’t want to log in, I don’t want security. I’ve been into computers heavily since 1980 and it’s become really frustrating. Computers were suppose to make our lives easier. The no longer are.

Also do NOT tell me I CANT USE MY OWN PASSWORD. I hate sites and programs that force me to make up a password they want. If I don’t want the extra security (that’s my choice). Also (windows) do not force me to use a password I never used before.

Also Windows – do not force me to login to Microsoft again with more passwords. – another password.

I’m sick of the BS. The problem is that while the UAC may help protect, there are many areas that it becomes overprotective.

This in my opinion is part of microsoft continuing to make windows less accessable to users with any knowledge of basic programing who can fix their own computer issues if allowed to. And many files in windows which are NOT needed have been deemed unaccessable to even delete. Now many users have to get used to windows 10. So the new question arrives.

How will the UAC restrict users now. How much spyware in windows 10 will remain active despite a users attempts to stem the tide and streamline windows to what it should be a window to give us a click and play option for our programs.

Need Permission To Delete File

Whether its a word prossesser or spreadsheet to a web browser for email to games of all sorts. Please help me! Number one I am 84 years old and fairly computer literate but I am having problems trying to delete programs from my computer because the “administrator” has set it so I can’t. Since I am the administrator and the only user of this computer I am frustrated.

I have followed numerous instructions to “fixit” but none have worked. Please take pity on an old “veteran” (do you like that caveat since it is a day past Verterans Day) and please help me. My computer is almost useless because of the disk space (many gigs) is used up and i can’t do anything. Can you help me??? Installed Windows 10 on my PC. Now have a dual boot PC with Windows XP PRO as my primary. Both on separate HD.

Had to install 10 because of the Heart Bleed Virus of 2015 and how it affected the Revenue Canada site. Because of various problems including the necessity to reformat and reinstall W10 I have come to HATE Win10 and I have worked with Win 3.x, 95 Pro, 98 Pro and XP Pro along with DOS before them. Now just installed the application to prepare our 2016 income taxes in Win10. Created a unique folder for the related data files. When I went to save my files I didn’t even get the message about I required administrator’s permission. I was simply denied the privilege of saving a file to a folder that I (as administrator) had created. I had to save it elsewhere and copy it into my special folder.

A work around but a pain in the butt. Ironically however, opening it from in my special folder and resaving it thereto is no problem. No questions asked at all. Now the crux of my comment here.

Need Permission To Delete File

I applied the procedure that AskLeo explained when he used Windows Explorer to select the application to be run, For me I went to the START menu, looked at all the installed applications there and located my “INCOME TAX” program. But instead of merely clicking on it I right-clicked and used the option to run as administrator. Sure that annoying UAC popped up and my program opened. To test I created a completely NEW file and saved it. Went without a hitch just like it would have in Windows XP.

So MR Leo, looks like you don’t have to use Explorer but merely apply the same procedure to any application your START menu. Thanks for that lead. Helped immensely. This is absolutely brilliant. I have never read it explained that clearly — and I have been reading a lot about administrative privileges. I’ve added numbers to your questions.1) nope.

(It may not be an option since it would be redundant.)2) If the program would normally trigger UAC to ask that password, then running as admin should skip that. If it’s asking for some other kind of password there’s probably no effect, but it depends on the program.3) Yes. You’d use it if you always want that shortcut to run as admin without having to go through the right-click gyrations.4) Risky – not terribly.

It depends on which files, which folders, case by case. Remember that Windows has permissions for a reason and that by bypassing those restrictions you’re effectively saying “I know better than you” what’s safe. If you’re not sure, don’t do it. Hey Leo, wow old post what’s Vista?I tried helping someone on a forum using this method, but my post was rejected!

It was marked as Hacking lite.When we have UAC, smartscreen, adblockers, antivirus, spyblock and so on This prevents me from doing certain tasks.And also reminds me I’m not an admin, even though I am. ‘To me’ administrator privileges is when you don’t need tomake choices.If your device is warning you that by changing. Your heading for Armageddon and continue, then you can only blameyourself when things go wrong.Mealone. Leo, this is really just complimentary feedback but, I love how you include audio of your articles and in your own speaking voice as well as when responding to comments, you include a signature.

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