Dragon Age Origins Urn Of Sacred Ashes
- I don't even know how to phrase my thoughts here. The thing is, in Origins the Ashes cure Arl Eamon. Does it mean? That the ashes.
- Better yet, bring Leliana and Wynne, defile the Urn and then kill both of them and the Guardian. Funniest scene in video-game history. It's even more hilarious if you leave the Urn of Sacred Ashes quest until the end of the game after having spent dozens of hours having.
Dragon Age: Origins - Gauntlet Bridge Puzzle walkthrough (The Urn of Sacred Ashes questline)During your quest for the Urn of Sacred Ashes you will encounter a small puzzles.You can use any characters you want of course.
Dragon Age Origins Urn Of Sacred Ashes Bridge
Looting the Dragon Scale will start a new quest ' Dragon Scale Armor'. Take the shortcut to the west leading back to the Ruined Temple. Speak with Genitivi and show him the pouch of Ashes. With the ashes in hand return to Redcliffe Castle. Approach Bann Teagan and use the ashes to heal Arl Eamon.
I'm replaying this, and never finished it. First time I got as far as the landmeet, but skipped this dragon.I'm already spoilered, but I want to know if there are story related reasons to decide if you want to fight the dragon or skip it. I'm checking the wikis, but I can't find if the dragon / andraste is ever mentioned in the sequels (which I haven't played (yet)).Story-wise, I've done Redcliff and the circle tower, and I'm playing a goody two-shoes. It makes more sense to get to Denerim and then Haven from a story perspective, but from a gameplay perspective this will be harder.So in short, for a good character, should I skip or fight the dragon? Skipping it is mentioned in the epilogue I believe, but it's not clear to me if the consequences are good or bad.If there's no clear anwser, I think I'll just try to fight it for the loot and exp, but then I'll probably do Brecilian forest first to train some more, or skip it and come back. の投稿を引用:spoiler much there paladin?

Even if he could transfer his choices for inquisition, the temple is always destroyed what make the whole debate about a quest a illusion of choice.actually it stands for a while before inquisition so people still go there and things happen there even thoughh it gets destroyed later. You get a conculsion. It is still important to people who care about the story.Also in Dragon age 2 there are quest about it if you did import save. People also talk about different things that happen at the temple during DA2. の投稿を引用:Even if he could transfer his choices for inquisition, the temple is always destroyed what make the whole debate about a quest a illusion of choice.actually it stands for a while before inquisition so people still go there and things happen there even thoughh it gets destroyed later. You get a conculsion. It is still important to people who care about the story.Also in Dragon age 2 there are quest about it if you did import save.
People also talk about different things that happen at the temple during DA2. Generally a good character would kill the dragon as being a dragonslayer in this point of the series is seen as a good thing (this continues in DA2 and DAI, though DAI starts adding a tone of tragedy to some of it).In terms of series story consequences, I don't think any of this has been directly addressed.
While the Temple of Sacred Ashes returns in DAI, the matter of the reaver dragon worshipers isn't really directly addressed, and the whole idea of dragons speaking to worshipers isn't a big explained deal yet. But there's perhaps signs of explanations in the future. In any case, it isn't likely that the DAO actions will be a.big. deal one way or the other, though sure I'd still try to RP appropriately. At least within DAO context, a selfish or bad character will go with the cultists and a selfless and good character will go against them and for the temple. It is seen as bad to go with the ones considering a high dragon to be some reborn Andraste. Whether they may end up having a point about it, isn't something relevant yet.

Since I got my♥♥♥♥♥kicked, I decided to postpone the decision and move on for the moment, I'm currently at the end of Brecilian Forest, and will move on to Orzammar next.Though for RP reasons I'm inclined to skip the battle. In my first unfinished playthough, I was simply unable to defeat it when I encountered it, and I never returned for a rematch. But I'm not yet at the point of no return in my current playthrough, so I stil have the option.My reasoning to skip it is: I kill everything that's in my way, but leave everything alone that's not. The dragon actually doesn't attack unless provoked. Furthermore, you could interpret its actions as actually defending the urn, which is strange indeed. You'd wonder what the dragon wants with the urn. I see the cultists as a threat separate from the dragon, since they're actually hostile to me and attack unless I go through with their plan.