Black Dragon Ninja Duel Links
The next box for Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links is, a 100-card set that includes new archetypes and support some of the older decks used today. The new set comes to the popular mobile game on April 2.Masked Heroes make their debut in with some of the easiest to summon Fusion monsters. Cards such as Mask Change and Mask Charge bring out monsters like Vapor and Anki to swarm the field as quickly as possible. Other new archetypes include the Fabled, Paleozoic and Karakuri cards.If you run Amazoness cards, more support is coming in Valiant Souls.
May 9, 2016 - text. Cannot be Special Summoned, except with the effect of a 'Ninja' monster or 'Ninjitsu Art' card. Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can send 1 'Ninja' monster and 1 'Ninjitsu Art' card from your hand and/or face-up from your field to the Graveyard, then target 1 monster on the field; banish it. Nov 19, 2017 三星忍者がやばすぎる!!環境入り間違いなしの忍者デッキが超強くて楽しい【遊戯王デュエルリンクス】【実況】 - Duration: 24:39. Activate Black Dragon Ninja's effect with the cost of itself and Ninjitsu Art of Transformation to banish Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke. Attack with Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke for game. Re-summoning a monster banished by Black Dragon Ninja during the battle phase, like Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke, allows it to attack a.
Welcome toFor general discussions about the TCG/OCG version of the game, please visit.To comment a spoiler use: spoiler(#s 'introduce text here')Rule 1: Be Respectful with others. Rule 1-A:. Please be polite and don't harass other users. So ive been reading on reddit lately that the community thinks that Dakini or CA is going to get a nerf hopefully. Which i dont think so considering they already did that.
And they cant limit Dakini cause then you cant play Dakini and MAR in same deck. And semi limiting Dakini wont do jack. But well seeBut the real topic is people are actually saying good now that Dakini is maybe going to get taken care of. Next they should nerf BDN.
Like seriously you ever play with ninja deck lol. BDN effect is so much more resource costly. And it doesnt guarantee anything.
You can just get e-con and sit there with 1000 lp on with no defenseI think the bigger prob is maybe 3sd but not really. Yea it makes summoning huge monsters easier but the way it is now you would never be able to summon BDN and survive in KOG.Just my 2 sense. Ive always loved my ninjas. So you better not nerf that shittytt.
What about semi limiting MAR and limiting Dakini? Mar doesn’t seem like a huge deal tbh. Protection on weak monsters or even dakini isn’t huge when you only have one.
Black Dragon Ninja Duel Links Full
With one dakini MAAR might be a better choice anyway so you can recycle it.As for Ninjas and 3SD, once CA is put in a decent spot, Ninjas will naturally fall in line as well since they’re weak to backrow.HOWEVER, that doesn’t make the situation with 3sd any better. Antonio orozco discografia 2017 2018. There are well over 600+ effect monsters in the tcg that may somehow break the game if you can instantly summon them with no restrictions. And life points in this game is a joke of a cost. Especially if it means an OTK is Likely.People compare the LP cost to solemn scolding, saying nobody uses scolding, which is a crappy comparison. You don’t wanna run 3 scolding, and even at 3, you won’t get it in the beginning every time, when it’s most useful.
Plus every other scolding is a dead draw. 3SD is guaranteed in the first turn as long as you draw one of the 7 monsters to abuse with it, which is very likely.
It’s completely different. If there was a skill that let you start with scolding in your hand as a 5th card, that would be comparable (and also broken as all hell, moreso). Thats actually the best solution ive heard to CA. That would still make them a decent deck. Still tier 1 i think.
Black Dragon Ninja Duel Links How To Get

But it would make it healthy meta.And yes once CA is done. Its going to be hard for my ninjas. I already running into phoenix decks which if u dont realize what kind of deck it is at first. Could be lights out.And im a fan of 3sd ONLY because the 600+ monsters that we have. Theres no way of getting those monsters out right now. Like theres no way id be able to summon BDN and have enough resources for his effect to even be effective. I think out of my last 10 duels.
The longest one was 6 turns. The meta is to fast. I’ll bet any amount of money that if 3SD stays the same, we’ll see a card or deck abuse it. It will happen.Any skill that guarantees a card to come out much easier and faster than expected will cause issues.Personally I’d be fine with them limiting 3sd to normal monsters. Or something. Or making it need 3-4 turns to work.
The way it is now is just asking for abuse, and ninjas is the second time we’ve seen it abused. First was DM, also Toons to a lesser extent, now this.You also have to realize that the reason this game is so fast is because of these things. If CA and Ninjas weren’t a thing the meta would be slower, even with REZ. Rez takes 2 turns to set up, AGs are slow, Glads and samurai are control. Hazy usually takes a few turns to set up (except the 3SD version, go figure).

Duel Links Dragon Deck

Imagine a first turn Jinzo or Horus Lv 8 (which is only not possible because of needing to battle or needing to level up).I don’t think it’s a healthy skill at all, and unfortunately that means many decks won’t work. I love Horus, but will I play it w/o 3SD? Not a chance. It’s awful but it’s true. But once 3SD is gone something just as fun and good will take its place, and maybe Konami will continue to make a fun balanced game. Yea this is true. But its not as op as BDN but i honestly dont think either is op.
Yes they have powerful effects but knowing how to play with ninjas properly takes time and skill to learn. Like the mistiming of RDN is a mistake i see all the time. And i also see ppl trying to go for OTK with BDN not knowing whats on the opponents hand or field.But i guess its a opinion. Ive played with ninjas the whole time. They were as great together till transformation came out. But its a cool deck.BUT DEF NOT FOR NOOBS.