Envi Classic Zoom Scroll
Jun 29, 2015 - The easiest way to zoom in and out in ENVI is to use the scroll wheel on your mouse. Is similar to the Available Bands List in ENVI Classic.
. The Marquee Zoom toolworks in a few different ways.
You can use it to drag a rectanglearound a portion of the page that you want to fill the viewing area. Or,simply clicking the Marquee Zoom tool increasesthe magnification by one preset level, centering on the point whereyou clicked. To decrease the magnification by one preset level,Ctrl-click the Marquee Zoom tool.
Envi Classic Download
Envi Classic Zoom Scroll Machine
The Continuous Zoom or Dynamictool zooms in when you drag it up the page and it zooms out whenyou drag down.Click the Zoom In button or the Zoom Out button in the toolbar.Enter a magnification percentage in the Common Tools toolbar, either by typing or choosing from the pop-up menu.Drag the Marquee Zoom tool to define the area of the page that you want to fill the document pane. (View Zoom Marquee Zoom).Drag the Continuous Zoom tool (also called Dynamic Zoom) up to increase the magnification and down to decrease magnification. (View Show/Hide Toolbar Items Select & Zoom Dynamic Zoom). Youcan view a PDF with the document pane divided into two panes (Split command)or four panes ( Spreadsheet Split command).WithSplit view, you can scroll, change the magnification level, or turnto a different page in the active pane without affecting the otherpane.The Spreadsheet Split view isuseful if you want to keep column headings and row labels visiblewhile scrolling through a large spreadsheet or table. In this mode,changing the magnification in one pane changes the magnificationin all panes. Also, scrolling is coordinated between the panes.Scrolling a pane horizontally also scrolls the pane above or belowit. Scrolling vertically also scrolls the pane to the left or rightof that pane. Youcan create multiple windows for the same document using the NewWindow command. New windows have the same size, magnification, andlayout as the original window and open at the same page and on topof the original window.
When you open a new window, Acrobat addsthe suffix 1 to the original filename and assigns the suffix 2 tothe new window. You can open multiple windows with the suffix incrementingwith each new window. Closing a window causes the remaining openwindows to be renumbered sequentially; that is, if you have five windowsopen and you close the third window that you opened, the windows arerenumbered with the suffixes 1 to 4.