Fallout 4 Pc Mod
Check Out my Latest! ( Yes that really is me Singing and Yes I created all of this from Scratch) Feedback Welcome!2/ 25/ 19HOLD UP! THIS LIST IS VERY OLD! It should be used as a tool for learning how to install mods, not a definite list or 100% functioning one!So first and foremost, I would like to apologize to the modding community for not keeping up with this or at least not a recent update.

The official site for Bethesda, publisher of Fallout, DOOM, Dishonored, Skyrim, Wolfenstein, The Elder Scrolls, more. Your source for news, features & community. When you're done with Fallout 4 (or are just starting out), you may want to install a mod or few. Here's how to do it without causing nuclear fallout. How to install mods for Fallout 4 on PC.
I absolutely appreciate anyone that has checked out my music thus far, and anyone that has used this guide as a learning tool. This entire time I have been teaching myself music production and animation and am finally at a point where I can do it all professionally.
I will still try to put some time aside in the future to put a fresh twist on this guide, but until then just use it to learn, I highly doubt it still functions entirely.Also check out the ( Under Heavy Construction)Notice: The Change Log will only hold the Last Five Days that Updates were applied so check back often! It is Important too keep in mind that just because a mod has been Removed does not mean it should be considered a bad mod. It simply means that I found something that was more my Preference. If it made this list before I assure you the mod is a Great mod!Change Log: Major Update Completed on 4- 28- 16(If you choose to Update your mods. Make sure you still follow the Installation Directions and place them back in the Load Order Correctly!)(I am Not Adding any more Settlement mods until I do another Update which will not be anytime soon. Installation Directions (These will help to Ease the Pain!)A Word Too The Mod Authors: First and foremost, Thank You so much for all your hard work. I do my best to Notify each Mod Author when I put one of your mods into this Compilation and I have received nothing but Appreciation thus far.
I did not expect for this list to keep growing without problems like it has and I have worked since the day I started this list to ensure that I do not miss any Unique and Compatible mods that come out.I would greatly Appreciate it from here on out if you could throw a my way on your Mod Description Tab so that more people can find this list. In return I will your to your next to your mod in the list! ( Notify me when you put it up!) This Guide has helped many people to better understand Load Orders and Compatibility and that is my Main Motivation behind Continuation of this project.My Hardware:AMD FX- 8320 Eight-Core Processor 3.76 GHz12 GB Ram (I set VRam at 20000)GeForce GTX 96064 Bit Operating SystemSolid State DriveI run the game on Ultra settings.
(Switch to High settings and you won't notice a difference, but your Load Times will get better!)Advice: I would Highly Recommend that you go through this list and Download the mods you are going to use Before starting to Install anything. This could turn 4 hours of work into 1 or less. If you do not wish to use ENB or a Shader, just start from Step 2.I would also Recommend that you use a Fresh Install of Fallout 4 (see How To Perform A Fresh Install below) to Prevent Fragments of any mods you have previously used from clashing with the mods on this list. When Uninstalling mods using the, remember to Disable them first, then right click the mod and Uninstall.Don't forget to check out the Tips For This List section at the bottom of this forum. It will help you decide exactly how you want your Fallout 4 Experience to go!How To Perform A Fresh Install:1. Right Click the Tools Tab in the Nexus Mod Manager, and select Uninstall All Active Mods.2. Delete Local Game Content on Steam.3.
Navigate to your Main Fallout 4 Folder which is usually located in Program Files/ Steam/ SteamApps/ Local and Delete the Fallout 4 Folder.4. Install Fallout 4 through Steam.5. Always Start your game up once Before modding it!Note: You do not need too use a Shader.Step 1: Install Shader. This is very easy to do.
Just follow the Tutorial found at the bottom of the Mod Description Tab. My Personal Preference is: By: Archalyus Cinematic Version( Installation Directions have been Updated until the next version is launched!)Open enblocal.ini and under MEMORY make this change: VideoMemorySizeMb= 20000After Installation, there are Options in game:Shift+ F12 will toggle ENBScroll Lock will toggle your ShaderPage Up will toggle between Cinematic and Natural Version. (Only if you install Cinematic Version)I personally run with ENB - Off/ Natural Version( No Dark Film Affect)I would Recommend that you start your game and test the Options listed above to make sure you have Installed everything correctly Before moving on. It should be Noted that ENB will make your game Very Dark, but Beautiful.
You can play with ENB switched Off if you find it hard to see. You can still use your Shader with ENB switched Off.Step 2: Install Environment, Sky, and Clean Up textures.Important: Always select the Download ( MANUAL) button and then select the Download ( NMM) button of the specific file you want.
Fallout 4 Pc Mods Reddit

Most of them will have one main file, some are slightly more specific. I have included easy to follow Directions for the more specific ones.Feel free to skip any mods that are Manual Install only, but if you wish too Install them the Installation Instructions can usually be located somewhere on the Mod Description Tab.The Load Order is the same as the Install Order, although some ESP's may move around on their own. Without testing anything during Installation I am easily able to follow this entire list and play the game exactly as Installed.

Haoswidasee, I don't mean to rain on your parade as I like the compilation list, but I smell this topic being locked/deleted in the near future. I've seen this happen to a couple of compilation topics already, the Nexus doesn't seem to allow compilations for some reason.Speaking of which, would an admin or moderator be kind enough to redirect me to the part of the ToS that addresses this? Been wondering about this, thanks!Thats their own mistake if they want to take it down. A well put together compilation like this one will get players to put more mods in their game, without the fear of crashing. Anyone that doesn't know how to properly mod will put far less in their game, and will have problems.