Eu4 Better Than Napoleon
The Hundred Years War which has torn France apart for over a century is currently halted by a truce following a number of key French victories. With the support of Joan of Arc, since martyred at the hands of the, and the support of the rich family, Charles VII has reclaimed Paris and many of the French lands. Charles has also been acknowledged as the rightful King by the Dukes of in the treaty of Arras in 1435.However, the truce with England is tenuous.

Sep 03, 2018 Better than Napoleon. Owning Vienna, Berlin and Moscow is a bit tricky, but if you play the blobbing game, its achievable. Big Blue Blob. I should mention here that this is one of my least favorite achievements in EU4. The reason is that if you play on getting 100 european provinces before 1500, your strategy is going to be vastly different.
The English have still not relinquished their claims to the French throne, and one of the main demands of the new treaty, to France, has yet to materialize months later.While the Burgundians now passively support the French cause in the conflict with England, they are still a matter of concern for the French Crown. They have grown their domains far beyond the borders of France, into the Lowlands and the Holy Roman Empire. It is said that the Duke, who is also one of the richest men in Europe, harbors dreams of a future kingdom based around his collective domains.A united France would be one of the richest and most densely populated regions in Europe. If France could bring its many autonomous nobles to heel, and drive the English once and for all from the continent, it would be one of the most powerful states on the continent.
Free to pursue voyages of exploration, an active foreign policy in and the or even an attack on the rich cities of, where the imperial influence has been waning for centuries.France is a located in Western, in the French Region, and could be one of the most (if not the most) interesting and entertaining nations to play in EUIV due to its powerful military and amount of flavor events. France allows for the player to make mistakes with usually limited consequences. Due to its military and sheer size, taking down France as an outside nation can be difficult, but not impossible. In, it borders to the north and east, to the north and west, to the south, to the east and a large number of minor nations all around. Notable are, the, and.France starts out guaranteeing independence to Scotland, in an alliance (as well as sharing dynasty) with Provence, and with cores on all the English land in France. Calais is not in the France region and is therefore not a core of France. Contents.Missions Main article:French missions are focused around uniting the myriad states in France itself, the conquest of part of northern Italy, messing around in the, fighting the English and kicking them out of the mainland, and colonizing North America.Events Main article:Wars of Religion The rise of Protestantism in Europe led to three decades of civil war within France known as.
This event can occur in ‘ Age of Reformation’ if less than 75% of the country has the state religion (usually Catholic). Rival Catholic nations can form La Ligue Catholique, a major player in the French Wars of Religion, directed at the eradication of the Protestants in France.
The League was used not only to defend the Catholic cause but also as a political tool in an attempt to usurp the French throne.The formation of the La Ligue Catholique will decrease relations with Catholic nations and give qualifying neighboring powers a casus belli to restore the one true faith!Palace of Versailles Around 1650, the player will be presented with the choice, through an event, to begin construction of the Palace of Versailles. Server 2019 disable automatic updates. A high initial cost to set the construction in motion, as well as a temporary but lengthy tax cut, can be a very costly procedure, where several loans might be required. However, finishing the Palace of Versailles will give France the desired model of kingly ruling, and as long as the Palace remains, France will benefit from yearly prestige and legitimacy.The French Revolution & Napoleon This event can occur after 1710 if the French economy is on its knees or is suffering from high (especially if France has taken a lot of loans) and the probability of the event chain firing is increased if demands for economic and social reforms have been turned down. This event chain can create revolts, uprisings and even the overthrow of the monarchy! Sometime along this event chain, the player may get a general named Napoleon who has high stats.Formation France can be by a French, Basque, or Breton country should it cease to exist.
Potential requirementsThe country:. is. has not enacted this decision before.If the country is AI-controlled then it:. can not be a.The Protestant or Reformed religion is enabled.Allow:. is Catholic and that's the country's.
does not have modifier “Counter-Reformation”. owns at least 3 provinces that are Protestant or at least 3 provinces that are Reformed.Effects:. gets the modifier “Edict de Nantes” until the decision is enacted with the following effects:. +2 tolerance of heretics,.1 tolerance of the true faith,. +25% religious unity. Potential requirementsThe country:.
has the modifier “Edict de Nantes”.If the country is AI-controlled then it:. can not be a.AllowAt least one of the following;.
The country is not Catholic. The country has no Protestant and no Reformed provinces. Paris (183) is controlled by.EffectsThe country:. loses the modifier “Edict de Nantes”.
gains 10 prestige.Strategy France should focus on unifying its cultural cores early, this won't be too hard as England has fewer troops than France and is forced to navally invade. From there, France has four common ways to expand: first, expanding into Italy. The French player will often get missions to expand into Italy, which is a rich region and probably has the highest development in the game. However, it is a tightly contested region, and moving into it can make powerful enemies very quickly, especially the Holy Roman Emperor if the player expands there before 1490.
If the player wishes to move into Italy, a good way to do so early is by getting the 'transfer subject' bonus in the age of discovery. It can be used to have other countries make their subjects the player's subjects pretty quickly.
It can be used to gain Naples from Aragon, which is probably most important since it is bigger than any other subjects on the Italian peninsula. Combined with some early conquests in Savoy, France can position itself to dominate Italy early.Secondly, one can expand into the low countries. It is easier to expand into than Italy. Enemies in the region are usually very weak early (with the exception of Burgundy who shouldn't be taken on alone early), and there are usually few other great powers looking to expand into it that early. Like Italy, its provinces are rich and will help France control the trade node shared with the English.
However, it is much more difficult to retain. Later in the game, Dutch rebellions are some of the worst in the game as rivals will have the option to defend them.Thirdly, one can expand into Africa. Historically France invaded Algeria, and it is an easy area to move into. There is usually very little competition for the area with other great powers, and the countries in the area are usually very weak, especially. However, the area is Muslim and has increased coring cost, making it harder to convert and worsening rebellions. The region also has weak development, meaning that the gains made from it are smaller than in Italy or the Low Countries, but it is easier to take and maintain. However, it also opens up more opportunities for easy expansion.
If the player is doing this, religious or humanist are a must early on (though religious is recommended for long-term benefits of actually converting provinces).Fourth is colonialism. England, Spain, and Portugal will have better colonial expansion benefits through better settler increase, more colonists through national ideas, and different colonial events. However, France's national idea offers it a chance to go the middle way in colonialism without the penalties.
It will get no native attacks and have a very good assimilation rate. This makes France among the best colonial nations if France isn't moving troops into the new world. France also has some unique historical colonial events and missions. Be aware, however, that in multiplayer France will often have strong enemies in the mainland, and oftentimes expansion might not be a good choice for the French player.
However, if other usual colonial competitors are not expanding fast, or if you have few enemies in mainland Europe, colonial expansion may be a good choice for France.Taking French culture territory can increase its power by taking territories within the french culture group. Neighboring countries in other culture groups will gain 50% less aggressive expansion impact.Initial countries with french culture territory are.Initial war with England This war can be started at the beginning of the game. And start with an alliance, so both countries may join the war. Portugal can be managed by allying,. Defeating Portugal with a high score may give access to North Africa with Ceuta. If an Irish country joins the war, then taking cores can be used to claim more Irish provinces in future wars. Nonetheless, it is recommended to ask for The Pale in the resulting peace deal with England, allowing the release of, opening a path for vassal feeding in the Irish area followed by the conquest of Scotland and, ultimately, an invasion of from the North, a much more secure path compared to the hazardous naval invasion.Caux, Normandie, Gascogne, and Maine can be taken in one war.
Labourd and Calais are not French, but can be taken with a 100% war-score for mission or strategic purpose.Avoiding naval encountersThe war takes place in both the Britain region and the France region. The whole army of England starts in the Britain region in two regiments. Allies can be let fighting together while a small french regiment occupies provinces in the France region and a major regiments fight in the Britain region using as a start point.
If the major regiment encounters the English regiments in London before its fusion they can be wiped giving a strong advantage to.After taking all the french culture provinces, the player, with either Influence or diplomatic Ideas, may try to become the Holy Roman Emperor ( and, if not rivals, are easy to ally) and to inherit all the Burgundian lands in France and the Low Countries. If the player does so, it is strongly recommended to set the national focus on diplomatic power to change the culture of the Low Countries to French to avoid the large Dutch revolts that will happen between 1550 and 1650. (Note this can also be avoided by moving your capital into any Dutch cultured province in the low countries. This also moves your trading port to the usually richer English Channel node.)After England After the War with and the French minors, the player may attack if the hasn't fired (yet) with the help of to take the Pyrenees, The Balearics or Palermo to gain an access to North Africa, as it is an important and easy land to conquer. During the peace deal, the player should force Aragon to release as a sovereign state or even transfer it to France if possible, it will make his conquest easier in the future. It is equally possible to use the Balearics to release and use its cores on the Spanish mediterranean coast to help mitigate aggressive expansion impact in the area.After waging all the above wars, the year should be around 1490 or 1500. It is a perfect timing, because in 1490 the event happens, removing all the Italian minors from the Holy Roman Empire, and making their conquest really easy if the player didn't manage to become emperor.
By 1490 the player could have also already allied the powerful. The Ottoman Army will be helpful to deal with, or any big nation allied to an Italian Minor. The conquest should be easy then, and the player will soon enjoy all the Italian wealth and the highly developed provinces of North Italy.
The player should be careful though with aggressive expansion, over-extension and the high coring cost of these provinces.After this, the game is completely open to the player. If he is doing an active colonial game, France's mighty military will allow him to obtain some achievements that another colonial power would get with difficulty, like Master of India,. If the player stays in Europe the player will concentrate on the Holy Roman Empire and Austria. He can expand everywhere, the possibilities are limitless. But the player must remember: France is a military power, he shouldn't try to own the trade or to unite the Holy Roman Empire.
Eu4 Better Than Napoleon Song
The goal here is to 'paint the map', to conquer, to get big through the military.Religion and Religious Wars During the Reformation, France gets a special, the this disaster is similar to the Religious Turmoil disaster, but with different events and trigger conditions (this disaster can fire if France owns only 1 Christian province that doesn't follow the state religion and has less than 75% religious unity). Because this disaster has very high chances of happening, the player may choose to stay Catholic or go Protestant (or Reformed) and both options will have the same consequences. The choice is up to the player. He should keep in mind though that going Protestant will remove the Treaty of Tordesillas from his colonies, but will give better bonuses than the papacy bonuses like colonial growth, morale or discipline advantage or a reduced development cost. If France joins the Leagues the player can try to dismantle the Holy Roman Empire during the Leagues War if the Emperor and all the Electors are involved.

This will reduce aggressive expansion in all of Germany by 50% and the Player will be able to easily conquer the German minors now that no Emperor will defend them.Recommended idea groups. Either Influence or DiplomaticThis choice will allow better relations with neighbors and will avoid coalitions. The reduced aggressive expansion (-20%) in the 'Influence' idea group and the extra diplomat from the diplomatic idea group are certainly the most useful things of this choice. ExplorationThe player will certainly need to colonize a little bit, since building the French army up to the maximum force limit and fully maintaining it provokes a mid-sized deficit to France. Colonizing the Caribbean and Gulf of Saint Laurence trade nodes will fix the economic problem (because these trade nodes are directly connected to the Bordeaux Trade node).
Eu4 Better Than Napoleon 2
If France managed to conquer the British Islands following the strategy above and inherited or conquered the Dutch lands belonging to Burgundy, the player may colonize the Chesapeake trade node, connected to the English Channel trade node, and collect the trade there. Also, the fourth French national idea provides faster colonization and less 'native rise' risk. Either Quality or DefensiveQuality will provide better combat ability in all three units and better generals. This useful to strengthen the French military to fight enemies like or maybe. The naval bonuses will help to fight off the British navy. Defensive, on the other side, provides cheaper armies and defensive, combined with the second national idea, will provide a huge bonus of +35% morale of armies.
QuantityMore troops are always useful. This combined with quality or defensive will make the French army almost unstoppable. This can also be very helpful if the player is facing a coalition war and has to send troops to all fronts, and of course, more troops mean more units to garrison the New World. ExpansionThis allows faster colonization if France is playing an active colonial game, and can thus help to make more money from tariffs or trade companies if the DLC is enabled.Keep in mind that this is completely optional, and this can change depending on the player's game.