Endless Space 2 Colonization

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Endless Space 2 releases this Friday after a lengthy. Folks involved with developer Amplitude Studios reached out to let us know that the 0-system limit for colonization in the Beginner. Endless Space 2 Colonization Pictures (1920 Tweet Share Share Share Share Share. Endless Space 2 Colonization Pictures (1920. Are there ways to reduce “Expansion Disapproval” besides research? So if you go on a colonization binge from your starting system and colonize 30 systems in 1 turn. Browse other questions tagged endless-space or ask your own question. 6 years, 5 months ago. 23,409 times.

Reviews“Endless Space is smart, polished and intelligent game of countless permutations. Its strength lies in how carefully and how cleverly it's balanced, as well as how it rewards all kinds of playing styles. We haven't seen a strategy game quite like this in a while.”8/10 –“In case it's not yet clear: go for it. If you are an experienced player, go for it. You are rather inexperienced with the 4X genre and it frightens you? Go for it.”9/10 –“For a first game, it is surprisingly complex, demanding and motivating.”82% –. About This GameThis galaxy is ancient, and its first intelligent life was the civilization we call the Endless.

Long before our eyes gazed upon the stars they flew between them, though all that remains of this people is what we call Dust. A substance found scattered or in forgotten temples, it once gave powers to admirals and galactic governors.

The galaxy will belong to the faction that can take control of the Dust and uncover its secretsA Born LeaderGuide one of eight civilizations as you strive for galactic domination. Will you control the entire galaxy through subtle trade and diplomacy, explore every corner of the universe to find powerful artifacts and resources, overwhelm other civilizations with your advanced technologies, or destroy your enemies with massive armadas?Endless DiscoveriesWith hundreds of star systems to explore, different planet types, luxuries and strategic resources to exploit, the mysteries within the Dust to master and a host of strange scientific phenomena to deal with, the player will have no lack of challenges. Hire heroes to become fleet admirals or system governors and discover five hero classes and their unique ability trees and specializations.Space OperaExperience Endless Space with state-of-the-art graphics and interface, switch between strategic battle decisions and long-term planning. Optimize each fleet for epic battles around contested stars. Create the perfect combinations from dozens of unique ships per civilization. Customize your ship with modules, armament, engines and special mods. The player has a plethora of choices of how to best destroy or dissuade his enemy.Take on the UniversePlay against up to seven opponents and build up – or break – alliances at will.

Discover an innovative and dynamic simultaneous turn-based gameplay. Permit instant jump-in for your ongoing online games. Define your own custom civilizations and confront the ones created by your friends.Endless ReplayabilityControl every new game’s scope, from a quick match-up to an endless war. Generate an infinity of random galaxies where every start begins a new adventure.

Modify the size, shape, density, age and a lot more to create your ideal galaxy. Choose from different victory conditions and adapt your strategy on the fly.

A solid sequel to the original 4X game, however it is still currently plagued by some fairly nasty bugs and balance problems. For me though, I would have loved the endless series more if they did away with the terrible and broken Over-colonization penalties, these have never worked properly - and always hurts the player more than the A.I, ES2 has even harsher penalties and severely A solid sequel to the original 4X game, however it is still currently plagued by some fairly nasty bugs and balance problems. More than 3 months after release, and the game is still unplayable.

A game-breaking bug in which save files are corrupted after a mere 100 turns or so (even short games take at least 250 turns to complete) still prevents this game from being enjoyable or even playable. I have spent dozens of hours playing and attempting to remedy this issue to no avail. Even worse, the devs have released More than 3 months after release, and the game is still unplayable. A game-breaking bug in which save files are corrupted after a mere 100 turns or so (even short games take at least 250 turns to complete) still prevents this game from being enjoyable or even playable. I have spent dozens of hours playing and attempting to remedy this issue to no avail. Even worse, the devs have released only a handful of updates over the past several months which have done nothing to correct this; and the largest update actually broke the game even more for most users. Despite an apology from the developers and a long-awaited bug fix/rebalance update earlier this month, the corrupt save file issues remains.

I've tried to enjoy this game - far more than i would have had i not enjoyed the first Endless Space so much - and as much as I want it to work and be enjoyable I am giving up. 3 months later and countless hours searching for a fix for the corrupted save bug and the game is still UNPLAYABLE. I essentially paid for nothing. I have never felt so cheated by a developer, and will never purchase another game from Amplitude again. It's a fun game, better in some ways than its predecessor, but overall the same gameplay mechanics and balancing decisions can eventually remove the fun.

Namely, all those effects that punish you for being a big empire. You have to grow because of the special resources scattered around. The faction-specific story elements and achievements can keep one going on but eventually, the churn to It's a fun game, better in some ways than its predecessor, but overall the same gameplay mechanics and balancing decisions can eventually remove the fun. Namely, all those effects that punish you for being a big empire.

You have to grow because of the special resources scattered around. The faction-specific story elements and achievements can keep one going on but eventually, the churn to research tech from scratch over and over gets old sooner or later. Endless Space 2 has been a pleasant experience so far, but I can't say whether it's better than its prequel.

In the first game, you could love a faction to death and keep using them over and over for days on end, but in this one, you're more inclined to try each faction in order to keep the novelty going. Games feel like they last much longer in this sequel, and there seems to be a Endless Space 2 has been a pleasant experience so far, but I can't say whether it's better than its prequel.

In the first game, you could love a faction to death and keep using them over and over for days on end, but in this one, you're more inclined to try each faction in order to keep the novelty going. Games feel like they last much longer in this sequel, and there seems to be a strong bias towards a conquest victory, regardless of the faction.

Endless Space 2 Cheats

The other forms of victory are unrewarding to achieve. The AI isn't amazing in this game so diplomacy kinda sucks and resources are pretty much impossible to trade in this sequel, which means you're better off just taking over planets with the resources you need. Alliances are easy to make, but it feels like going solo is the best way to play. In the prequel, you had to figure out the best research pathways to take or else you would end up lagging behind other factions. However, in this sequel, you have much more freedom to pick whatever research you like, so the game is a lot more forgiving. If you played Path of Exile before, it's kind of like instead of having every faction start off somewhere different, every faction starts off as a Scion. Amplitude tried to polish the game a bit and introduce some new things while reworking others, but they neglected a lot of features that gave the first game its shine.

It feels like this sequel was meant for playing with real players, not the AI. If you enjoy conquest victories, this game's pretty fun for that, but otherwise, you might want to stick to the prequel or Endless Legend.

Not a whole lot has improved. 'Above average' is the best way to describe this sequel. I think the game deserves a 7.5/10. It's okay, but I still prefer the first game and its factions more. I get my money's worth out of this game because of how long each session lasts, but I think that's just a way for the devs to hide the fact that the game turns kinda grindy after the early game. This sequel is really just a recycled version of its prequel.

Amazing game, graphics, battles, level of depth, music and effects are great. I loved the ships customization option, variety of races even small things are well implemented like the search option in the tech window but, there is always a BUT!, 'over colonization penalties' destroyed all good of this game. At a certain moment that will vary depending on your expansion rate, a catastrophic Amazing game, graphics, battles, level of depth, music and effects are great.


I loved the ships customization option, variety of races even small things are well implemented like the search option in the tech window but, there is always a BUT!, 'over colonization penalties' destroyed all good of this game. At a certain moment that will vary depending on your expansion rate, a catastrophic never ending chaos will literally destroy what you have accomplished, unleashing a chain reaction of despair, discontent in the population, drain of resources to 0 and constant governments changes that will turn the game unplayable. It's hard to imagine how they could have missed this unless they did not, and if it is the case, someone needs to rethink really hard the idea around 'overpopulating the infinities of the universe penalty'. The concept is bad from design, they could have added a 'corruption' level of some sort or logistics penalty but no, we have this breaking mechanic in place. There are a few workarounds to overcome the total chaos situation but will force you to spend a lot of time and/or change your game style forcibly.

Please fix this and have the score your game really deserves. I'm only 9 hours in, but I can already tell this is going to have me engrossed for the foreseeable future. It you muscle through the tutorial the work will be rewarded with a fun, beautiful, complex, but not unapproachable 4x Space game. I didn't give a 10 due to some silly spelling errors, etc. Things like that which I'm sure will be fixed. Otherwise, I haven't experienced any bugs I'm only 9 hours in, but I can already tell this is going to have me engrossed for the foreseeable future.

It you muscle through the tutorial the work will be rewarded with a fun, beautiful, complex, but not unapproachable 4x Space game. I didn't give a 10 due to some silly spelling errors, etc.

Things like that which I'm sure will be fixed. Otherwise, I haven't experienced any bugs in the main game, and have been having an absolute blast. Especially after the sometimes arduous tutorial, which is both needed and well done. If you are a fan of games anywhere near this genre, this is what you have been waiting for.

Endless space 2 feels like Endless space 1 - but bigger. Which seems to be the formula for it - most or less. It did not re-invent itself.

It adds a lot more complexity to the 4x nature of it - giving the player more access to micromanagement while also allowing similar automated modes. Its visual style is quite elegant and updated to what is expected today. Fallout 4 wiki.

Since most of the game is Endless space 2 feels like Endless space 1 - but bigger. Which seems to be the formula for it - most or less. It did not re-invent itself.

It adds a lot more complexity to the 4x nature of it - giving the player more access to micromanagement while also allowing similar automated modes. Its visual style is quite elegant and updated to what is expected today. Since most of the game is spend on the galaxy screen or various sub-menus, the game itself is not too demanding on the hardware (more than Endless space 1 though) There is more variety in space combat - which was only a slideshow (more or less) in Endless space 1 - but still not enough to really care much about. In my opinion.

The way it is portrait still becomes repetitive quite quickly. And therein lays the problem for me. The game starts very strong - but becomes stale(r) with time. Compared to Civilization - which becomes more engaging the later the game is (at least in high difficulty settings) - Endless space 2 becomes more routine in the late game. I also felt like there was a certain threshold when you kind of 'knew' that you had lost the game.

When the AI was so far ahead that it would take game loopholes or exploiting the AI to get ahead again. (which is usually late mid game) - the game would go on and on and on after that point because the AI seemed not to wish to crush me - even if it could - but i would not manage to catch up again - no matter what. Speaking of AI - i hardly see any improvements in that department in most computer games. The AI is dumb most of the time - not recognizing bottlenecks and not amassing large enough forces to break through tough defenses - instead trickling small fleets against strong defenses one after another just to be torn apart.

That does not mean that it cannot win of course - but it means that it is still - by no means - even close to a human opponent - and no noticable improvement compared to Endless space 1 (or similar games) However - the game is certainly above average and if you like space 4x games - you will most certainly get your moneys worth. As you will spend several hours having fun with the game. But for me - it is nowhere near the top of the food chain. About as good as the Master of Orion remake - but not as good as the original Master of Orion 2 (back then - for its time). Maybe it doesn't have the overwhelming complexity and depth of some of it's genre colleagues, maybe it's not the innovative messiah of the 4X-games-universe but I simply love how Amplitude manages to pull me in with their distinctive art style and simple but creative FIDSI system - all well rounded with an easy to use and well organized UI. And looking at Endless Legend I expect a similar Maybe it doesn't have the overwhelming complexity and depth of some of it's genre colleagues, maybe it's not the innovative messiah of the 4X-games-universe but I simply love how Amplitude manages to pull me in with their distinctive art style and simple but creative FIDSI system - all well rounded with an easy to use and well organized UI. And looking at Endless Legend I expect a similar development regarding content and depth here - is it already worth 40 bucks?

Endless Space 2 Colonization Speed

I recommend with all my heart. Endless space 2 is complex yet accessible, It has amazing lore, soundtrack, artwork and 4x mechanism. It is supported by developers with a track record for listening to its community and inviting feedback (games2gether platform.) In short Endless space 2 is the best 4x game (base game compared with base game of other 4x games) I have played in 25 years of 4x gaming.

For me it is only Endless space 2 is complex yet accessible, It has amazing lore, soundtrack, artwork and 4x mechanism. It is supported by developers with a track record for listening to its community and inviting feedback (games2gether platform.) In short Endless space 2 is the best 4x game (base game compared with base game of other 4x games) I have played in 25 years of 4x gaming. For me it is only lacking a good hall of fame system (Hopefully coming) yet I cant bring myself to give it any other score than 10/10 when compared with the other games historically and currently available in the 4x genre. Another buggy launch after months in early access. If the studio fixes the bugs, it'll be an easy 8. As of now, not worth full price.

Took notes from previous games - Endless Space, and Endless Legend. Suffers from some failings of those earlier titles as well. Endless Legend was broken because of Luxuries providing exponential bonuses.

ES2 fixed that well enough, but introduced an Another buggy launch after months in early access. If the studio fixes the bugs, it'll be an easy 8. As of now, not worth full price. Took notes from previous games - Endless Space, and Endless Legend.

Suffers from some failings of those earlier titles as well. Endless Legend was broken because of Luxuries providing exponential bonuses. ES2 fixed that well enough, but introduced an even more broken exponential factor in the form of trade routes. Game's still fun - just turn off Economic Victory and don't exploit and it's alright. On to the bugs.

I haven't been able to play a game to completion yet. It's being actively patched. In a slapdash manner that creates new game breaking bugs.

Endless Space 2 Colonization Academy

Hung up - again - on Turn 153 (could never get that far with Economic Victory on). Had to keep reloading saves to get that far, with new bugs freezing the game in an Endless loop every time. I think they'll fix a few bugs and sell the game on glitz to casual players who never plan to finish a match anyway. Might be a good game in 7 months or so, if they don't just crap out and start spamming expansions, which they very well might. Not worth buying as of 5/28/17. Shame on them, and shame on you suckers for buying it anyway without getting a refund. Endless Space 2 is a great game tha underwent dramatic changes during its early release.

Amplitude studios is one of the best listening to player feedback and they duly drop nonsense mechanics like hard forced truces or the underwhelming initial tree. In ES2 you pick one alian race with unique art and history. Every faction plays asymetrically and that adds greatly to the replayability. Endless Space 2 is a great game tha underwent dramatic changes during its early release. Amplitude studios is one of the best listening to player feedback and they duly drop nonsense mechanics like hard forced truces or the underwhelming initial tree. In ES2 you pick one alian race with unique art and history. Every faction plays asymetrically and that adds greatly to the replayability.

The gameplay is similar to 4x space strategy game: planet colonization, ship design, flotillas vombat, exploration etc The game is not perfect and it would be a 9 more than a 10 but I'd like to compensate for the unfair reviews in my opinion. My biggest flaw would be the combat, by far the weakest point in Amplitude games. The developers have tried to innovate which results in some interesting new mechanics and some more quirky than necessary.

Among the novelties there is a new political system which is essential to manage to get powerful wide policy. Another innovation is the ability to mod the game AI called ENFER As usual the art, music and writing is superb. Endless games trademark is meaningful quests which add a lot of flavour to the game. I have beat endless difficulty after 100 hours of gameplay which was very satisfying. In the higher difficulties the AI have unfair advantages as usual but it offers a nice challenge. My biggest complaint in ES1 was that there were too many ships and that has been fixed in ES2. I consider Amplitude Studios productivity very high.

They had a buggy day 0 release but quickly patch after only 1 day. All in all a must have for strategy enthusiasts. I played many videogames in my life and then some more. Endless Space 2 is something else. Spectacular, fast, smooth, full of lore, oportunities, treachery and interesting factions each with its uniqueness, nice graphics, love the music, the mechanics of the game, the political system. This game is the epitome of how a 4X game should be made.

Took them a while but Amplitude finally made I played many videogames in my life and then some more. Endless Space 2 is something else. Spectacular, fast, smooth, full of lore, oportunities, treachery and interesting factions each with its uniqueness, nice graphics, love the music, the mechanics of the game, the political system. This game is the epitome of how a 4X game should be made. Took them a while but Amplitude finally made it. And the best is yet to come with the expansions.

Can't wait to see more content of this AAAA game. First of all, I love how the races are fleshed out, back story with a cool movie, nice ship design. The economic part (system building) didn't really changed much from ES1, so for me its only an ok. As I stated in my Civ6 review, I'm not fond of Civ1 citybuilding, it was good enough for the first ever 4x strategy game to be in the hall of fame, but after Orion1 and Colonization1 its it's First of all, I love how the races are fleshed out, back story with a cool movie, nice ship design. The economic part (system building) didn't really changed much from ES1, so for me its only an ok. As I stated in my Civ6 review, I'm not fond of Civ1 citybuilding, it was good enough for the first ever 4x strategy game to be in the hall of fame, but after Orion1 and Colonization1 its it's just nono for me.

Endless Space 2 Colonization

I loved the event system, even more than in Stellaris. And the political system, even if somehow I feel that is bugged or juts plain simple not balanced. Hmm, I have nothing against autoresolved battles, but first of all beside good looking ships, the camera angles, weapon visual and sound effects are a very very low score for me, and when u think the only reason to exist is to be awe by it (even a 10 year old SoS battle si looking better).


The only reason I was entering sometimes in battles, to see the ships and for the Overview camera. The 2nd problem, as in with ES1, I saw right away the weakness of the system and I was going for only one type of ships and killing much stronger enemies with no damage taken, I got even the AI in offside, because it was doing only one type of ships. At least in ES1, I was needed 3 type of ships for my fleet to be complete.

So do I have a choices? Diplomacy and AI.

Should I have to be surprised about the AI in an era when we get dumber and dumber Ais in 4x strategies, but hey they are much smaller company so I'm not expecting miracles. So I really liked it at first, but I got bored really fast. It just baffles me, how many people are saying that they played Orion1, but Civ1 and can't see what made those games marvelous. Orion2 it was my first disappointment, in an era when new games could not disappoint you and yet everybody clones it. It doesn't matter how complicate a game is if it's core design is flawed. Chess, Backgammon, Catan etc, there are great not because they are complicated, but because they are complex. This is the MoO II replacement I have been waiting for for 20 years.

It expands on MoO II in every area. It's a new game and will surely improve over time, but it already has a much better combat AI than Civilization VI. It does have a steep learning curve and the UI could use some work, but the combat graphics are impressive. The 'Just one more turn' factor is as high as in any game I This is the MoO II replacement I have been waiting for for 20 years. It expands on MoO II in every area. It's a new game and will surely improve over time, but it already has a much better combat AI than Civilization VI. It does have a steep learning curve and the UI could use some work, but the combat graphics are impressive.

The 'Just one more turn' factor is as high as in any game I have ever played. I like this game but it's buggy and unstable. If the writers and creative content people from this game teamed up with the engineers from Stellaris, they would have made a masterpiece.

Overall, I still like this better than Stellaris because its RPG elements are way better than Stellaris. Edit: Adjusting my rating to 9 because the developers have since patched most of the I like this game but it's buggy and unstable. If the writers and creative content people from this game teamed up with the engineers from Stellaris, they would have made a masterpiece.

Overall, I still like this better than Stellaris because its RPG elements are way better than Stellaris. Edit: Adjusting my rating to 9 because the developers have since patched most of the game-breaking stuff. This is a very fun game.