Login Servlet With Database In Eclipse

Login system; Sending Email; Creating First Servlet Application using Eclipse IDE. Eclipse IDE is the most popular Java IDE used in the Industry. It is developed by an open source community and can be downloaded for free from Eclipse.org. Steps to create Servlet using Eclipse IDE. Hi, I wrote a small login example program by using servlets.This application is compiled without errors, but when i deploy it in apache-tomcat server it gives wrong output.My program is: 1) import javax.servlet. Servlet to database login example. 843842 Mar 24, 2008 7:19 PM. We have used oracle10g as the database. There are 5 files required for this application. Index.html; FirstServlet.java; LoginDao.java; SecondServlet.java; web.

<%@ page language='java' contentType='text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1'pageEncoding='ISO-8859-1'%

This Java login application follows MVC architecture and consists of Java servlets, JSPs. It uses the MySQL database server to refer to the user details. The input fields are validated using javascript. What is a Model View Controller architecture?The model (DAO) consists of application data and business rules, and the controller (Servlet) acts as an interface between views and model. It mediates input, converting it to commands for the model or view.

DatabaseEclipse servlet tutorial

A view (JSP) can be any output representation of data, such as a chart or a diagram, generally HTML or JSP page.Here DAO is the Data Access Object – This part concentrates on business logic and database server connections and operations.Use any IDE – Integrated development environment to minimize your work. If you haven’t started using any IDE, go get one. You will fall in love with it. I would recommend you to use Eclipse for Java applications. It is an open source tool.This application is explained thoroughly with appropriate comments and tested in Eclipse IDE.

Please write comments if you find any difficulty while understanding the application.Suggested Read:.It is advised to segregate different components in a standard directory structure as shown below. Start your programming with New Project - dynamic web application project type. //web.xml//this file is known as deployment descriptor. It contains the servlet and other configuraion detailsLoginMvcLogin.jspLoginServletLoginServletcom.mvc.controller.LoginServletLoginServlet/LoginServletLogoutServletLogoutServletcom.mvc.controller.LogoutServletLogoutServlet/LogoutServlet.

↓. Post authorThat’s a good question Faithy.It would require changes in multiple places.During registration, the user would have entered his first name so the name should be present in the USERS table. You would have to modify the following lines.1.

Select name, userName, password from users – in LoginDao.java2. Add get and set functions for the name field – in LoginBean.java3.

In the success block of userValidate.equals(“SUCCESS”) add request.setAttribute(“name”, name); – in LoginServlet.java4. Finally, add – in Home.jspHope this helps. ↓. AlexisI’m implementing the Login code using eclipse and sql, but I’m getting “ClassNotFoundException – com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver”. I created a main class (in the same project and package to check the java build path) using the same DBConnection.java code. When I run this class (main,) using “run application” instead of “run on server”, the code works and I have access to the database.

Do you have an idea why the loading of the sql driver is not working when I run the project using run on server? ↓. AlexisYes, I have it in the tomcat 9.0 lib folder. The program works fine except the loading of the jdbc driver. When I run it using “run on server” it goes from HTML ( I have a front page in HTML) to jsp to servlet and then to DBConnection.java (I have println’s to check the execution path). Last code the program execute is Class.forName (“com.mysql.jdbc.Driver” ) ( I also tried Class.forName(“com.mysql.jdbc.Driver”).newInstance), before giving the “ClassNotFoundException – com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver” error.I have created in the same project and same package a main application using the code in DBconnection to test the driver loading. When I run this main class using “run application” it loads the jbdc driver and I have access to the sql data base.

↓. Post authorHi Manasa,If you use order by date desc, it should return the latest inserted record on the top. It works always.If you still want to go for some other method, You can insert the records in the arraylist and sort it later.

You can also go for Queue.Regarding Comments:This is wordpress platform built using PHP. It is handled through CSS I believe.You can also implement it using JSP and CSS. You should define a different class and define separate placing for replies.

Admin and user login jsp - jsp-servlet

Not a straight-forward process though.Thank you for the visit after a while:). ↓. ManasaHi Ravi,I have uploaded image in a folder and stored its path in the database.

While displaying it, I am accessing the path from database and giving it in anchor tag so when it is clicked the image should get open. But it is not. I have checked for the path and the path is exactly correct. And I have tried to just display image by using img tag, it works fine in eclipse browser but when I open it in chrome it does not get displayed.I am not understanding this behaviour. Please give any idea. The path that I am storing in the database is correct and I want the image to get open when it is given in anchor tag.Thank You.

ManasaHi Ravi,I have added a photo to the database and able to access and display it. But when I want to edit it, there occurs a prblm. In jsp I have dis code and in action i am giving control to EditServlet.//for displaying photo and in source i have given control to ImageServlet so that image can be displayedphoto.

↓. ManasaHi,I am lately responding to this post but it was very helpful for me in understanding mvc. I observed that you hav created packages like com.mvc.bean.

Is it necessary to give the same names?. Post authorHanife,What IDE are you using to execute this code? If you are using eclipse, did you maintain the package and other classes same as mentioned here?Initially when you sumbit login.php, the request will be sent to LoginServlet.java and post method is used here.code - form name='form1' action='LoginServlet' method='post'Please put some log statements(System.out.println) within servlet page and try to trace the code execution. Use multiple debug statements.Let me know what you see. ↓. Post authorHi Ranjana,Please go through following lines which I have mentioned at the end of the post.To check for role you have to assign a role to each user at the time of registration or else admin can assign roles later. The “USERS” table should contain the role.The LoginDao.java should return the role to LoginServlet.java and it should be compared and decided on LoginServlet.java page.You can achieve this easily by calling another method from LoginServlet to decide on the role.

Just fetch role from LoginDao and return it to the LoginServlet.Let me know if you have anymore doubts. ↓. Post authorHi Anil,You can avoid java bean here. It is not mandatory.Beans are mainly used to assign values to all the variables of a class so that they can be accessed easily through the object of the class.For example, here we are using only username and password. Since these are fewer details, we can easily assign values to these parameters.To avoid bean class here,You can directly pass username and password details while calling authenticateUser method.String userValidate = loginDao.authenticateUser(userName, passWord). ↓.

Post authorHi Hardik,To create profile page of individual user, you can use last piece of code.To add session,in LoginServlet.java modify the following code(32nd line onwards) as followsif(userValidate.equals(“SUCCESS”))HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);if(session!=null)request.setAttribute(“userName”, userName).And you would need to give a hyperlink to “logout” in Home.jsp to close or invalidate the session.Add following lines either in servlet or JSPsession.removeAttribute(“userName”);session.inValidate. ↓.I’m still subscribed to this post because each time I receive an email saying someone commented on the post I feel nostalgic because it reminds me that it all began from this post as after reading this I was able to create my final year project in Java MVC with database connectivity(instructor was really impressed that I used MVC framework). I almost laugh when I read my comment which I wrote because of a trivial issue. Its been more than 2 years since then and I have developed a lot of projects using the MVC framework taught in this tutorial.

I would like to thank you once again from the heart for writing this tutorial. ↓. manjunathhi ravithis is manjunathi already requested u for somthing in november 21st 2015i dint get feed backplz replyi copied that text of request and pasted below once again.just see onceyes ravi.sorry for late reply.ya i want one more example on mvc.but it must be like storing and retrieving informationof employees along with their profile picture.for exampleIf we store information like name,age,emp id,nameofdepartment ( java,testing,php,Dotnet,etc) and their profile picture in database.then we must retrieve that data in the form of table according to nameof department. I.e if we retrieve java employees data,it should be in a tabular form containing only java employees along with their profile picture.can u do this plzzzzzzzzzz.it will help lot of people like me. ↓. Post authorHi Manjunath,Sorry. I was busy during this time so may have missed it.To insert details of an employee, you need to write the code using html tags like input box, select, option etc.

You need to create a form either in html or JSP page. This is same like Login.jsp.To store images in the database the type of the table element should be BLOB and you can use the following code for insertionps = con.prepareCall('insert into studentprofile values (?,?)');ps.setInt(1, 101);is = new FileInputStream(new File('Studentimg.jpg'));ps.setBinaryStream(2, is);int count = ps.executeUpdate;You can use any of the following code to display the data in tabular formLet me know for any issues. Posting this example is a great idea. I will post it at my free time. manjunathyes ravi.sorry for late reply.ya i want one more example on mvc.but it must be like storing and retrieving informationof employees along with their profile picture.for exampleIf we store information like name,age,emp id,nameofdepartment ( java,testing,php,Dotnet,etc) and their profile picture in database.then we must retrieve that data in the form of table according to nameof department.

Admin And User Login Jsp - Jsp-servlet

I.e if we retrieve java employees data,it should be in a tabular form containing only java employees along with their profile picture.can u do this plzzzzzzzzzz.it will help lot of people like me. ↓. Post authorHi Oscar,The one which I have used here is a connection to MySQL only.

Login Servlet With Database In Eclipse Program

You can use the same. For MySQL you need to add one extra jar file. You can download the same online.Connection con = null;String url = “jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ravi”; //for SQL and oracle or any other db server this url differsString username = “root”; //username of database userString password = “root”; //passwordClass.forName(“com.mysql.jdbc.Driver”);// differs from DB server to serverFor Oracle it will differ again.