Warband Starting Own Faction
Mount and Blade: Warband is the first sequel for the action role-playing video game Mount and Blade. First announced in January 2009, the game was developed by TaleWorlds and was published by Paradox Interactive on March 30, 2010. Warband expands on the original game by introducing a sixth faction, increasing the political options, allowing players to start their own faction, and incorporating multiplayer modes. Reveiws of the game were generally favourable, with the addition of multiplayer the most highly praised element.
The party size represents of course how many troops you can take with you. Party size is affected by your renown, charisma, and leadership skill.Base size: the base size of your party is 10.Leadership bonus: every level in the Leadership skill will increase your party size by 5.Charisma bonus: every level in the Charisma attribute will increase your party size by 1.Renown bonus: your renown heavily affects your party size. For every 25 renown, party size is increased by 1.Lord: being a lord (having at least one fief) adds 10.Marshall: being the marshall of the troops of a sovereignty adds 20.King: being the king of a sovereignty automatically adds +100 party capacity (Doesn't work inMount and Blade: Warband).Taken straight from the Mount & Blade Wiki, also that last part, I don't know why that's even there as you can only become king in Warband, unless you are able to in WFaS (I've never played it). Keep in mind, if your RtR is less then 25, every other nation will immediately declare war on you and refuse peace.
If you beat the $%#^ out of one of them enough they'll stop (I pre-empted this by taking most of the weaker lords hostage and then taking a castle and building a prison tower and keeping them locked up and just constantly refusing ransoms).but.that's a LOT of hell getting laid on you and it can wear you down as they constantly burn your villages and you can't get recruits.The best way to start your own faction is to butter up to as many lords as possible (100 is ideal, but hard to achieve unless you've been beating the $%#^ of them and letting them go A LOT). And build really high renown. And having at least 25+ RtR doesn't hurt, so you can at least attempt diplomatic actions between other kingdoms.
Warband Right To Rule

Then when you declare your own Kingdom a huge chunk of lords will defect, giving you a large enough force to hold off any other lords. Though then you need to get the ball rolling and start conquering stuff and awarding fiefs to keep them happy (Just villages, and try to keep them spread eveningly between lords to prevent jealousy).@Paxion MasterfoldArchers.lots of archers (about the only thing Vaegir marksmen are actually good for, since they have more ammo, longer range, and higher rate of fire then crossbows, which is what most of defenders outside of vaegir and Khergit castles). You can pick off an entire castle garrison by just parking outside the walls and pelting them with arrows until everyone is empty, breaking seige, and re-seiging.
Sep 24, 2017 - I will be starting a new game of Mount And Blade where I start as the lowest of the classes in the male version, and I will slowly rise as a vassal and then become king of my own faction, ultimately b. Mount & Blade: Warband.
Warband Starting Own Faction 3
It helps to have high medical skills (if your lord handles FA, Surgery, and WM when he hits 10, his effective skill is actually 14. Add the surgery book from the book dealer (total of 15) and your troops are immortal, and 14 first-aid results in them regain 70% of their total HP instantly after battle.so even if you take losses during a siege, they're back at full strength by the time you get the ladder rebuilt) and engineering (GREATLY reduces the time needed to start the seige).@MrLonelyLoboTo explain why kings have WAY bigger armies then their stats otherwise suggest. And since warband is the only game you can become a king, they had to include that, no you do not get this bonus when you become a monarch yourself (cause the comp is a cheating bastard).
Jump to Opening Moves Guides - This is the first in what I intend to be a series of opening moves guides for several factions in Medieval II: Total War. Medieval 2 total war strategy guide france. This is the strategy page for Medieval 2: Total War. Articles can be found by clicking on the relevant. Guides and Articles Forum. Write an article here, ready for. Strategy Changes Medieval 2: Total War has two options for development of each province. They can either have a city or a castle.