Mount And Blade Runtime Error C++

Mount And Blade Steam Runtime Error
Mount & Blade: Warband Viking Conquest Game – Overview – Free Download – Compressed – PC – Specs – RIP – Screenshots – Torrent/uTorrent Type of game: Role-Playing PC Release Date: December 11, 2004 Developer/Publishers: Brytenwalda, TaleWorlds Entertainment Mount & Blade: Warband Viking Conquest (1.13 GB) is a RPG Strategy action game. Lord of the rings characters.
MBW Viking Conquest for: PC / Windows.Mount & Blade: Warband - Viking Conquest was launched these days but you can not play it because when you start the game 0xc000007b was unable to start correctly or 0xc000007b00 was unable to start correctly errors occur. Now, if you want to fix this issue very easy, download all vcredists from page (install all versions no matter if is from year 2005 or 2014)Do not forget! The easy way to fix 0xc000007b was unable to start correctly issue is to download and install all vcredists from above link or more recently, manufacturers have implemented a folder in the game folder with all the necessary prerequisites to run the game, but sometimes more programs are required, depends of your windows instalation.Summary Fix / Repair 0xc000007b or 0xc000007b001. Go and learn how to uninstall / clean all game vc redists and then to install again but fixed! Because is tested and is the best way to fix this issue. Mount & Blade: Warband - Viking Conquest: The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application.Mount & Blade: Warband - Viking Conquest: The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b00).