Play Music Through Your Mic

How To Play Music Through Your Mic On Xbox One
How to play music through mic in CS: GO on Mac the title says it all. I want to play music while playing cs: go through mic. There are a lot of videos and forums that teach how to do so in Windows. I need some help for my freaking Mac. Showing 1-15 of 29 comments FB Kilig.
Play Music Through Your Mic Discord
I am looking for way to redirect audio from output (speakers) to input (mic) so that windows would think it's microphone. Actually I want to to be able to send sound to 2 devices at once 1 would be speakers so I can hears the sound and other device would be microphone so software that works with mic can hear that sound at once.For example:By redirecting audio output to microphone I would be able to stream sound trough msn/skype.I heard it's easy with linux, but what about windows?Edit I found Control Panel Sound Recording Enabling stereo mix does what I am looking for, but thing is that when my speakers sound volume is set to 50% then recording's sound volume will be 50% too. Is it possible listen sound at 50% but have a recording with 100% like set set sereo mix volume to 200%?Or is there any tool to grab audio by process? Like redirect everything from vlc to mic. I am looking for way to redirect audio from output (speakers) to input (mic) so that windows would think it's microphone.
Actually I want to to be able to send sound to 2 devices at once 1 would be speakers so I can hears the sound and other device would be microphone so software that works with mic can hear that sound at once.For example:By redirecting audio output to microphone I would be able to stream sound trough msn/skype.I heard it's easy with linux, but what about windows?Happy to help is you give us your system specs so we know what hardware you have. Especially your sound card/chipset. I have just found one in windows.Here's what I did:-Went into the sound manager in windows,(Control PanelHardware and SoundSound)Clicked on the 'Recording' tab,Right clicked on one of the list items and then clicked 'Show Disabled Devices'A few (depending on system) more item showed up, one of them 'Stereo Mix' (or something similar to that, i assume it may say 5.1 or some other 'Mix'), right clicked and went 'Enable'.Then in whatever program you are using (Eg. Skype) you would set the input device to the 'Stereo Mix', rather than your mic input.-I don't think that Skype or whatever you are using will be able to hear the mic at the same time though, however, you could set the mic to play though the speakers and 'get caught' by the output as well.Hope this helps.
Acdsee geotag. I agree with judgeit2. Also, using stereo mix WILL NOT cause harmful things to happen to your computer, despite what other certain individuals have posted. Stereo mix simply forwards all audio playback to the mic.Unfortunately, you cannot add external audio when using stereo mix in its current state (hence only being able to have one active mic at a time which prevents the above post from happening).

It is the most basic solution to this problem. For more information, please visit the following URL:Thank you.Clarification: The 'echo' the above post mentions can occur if and only if both stereo mix and your mic were active at the same time. Even should they both be active simultaneously, the only effect would be a feedback loop that causes an annoying sound (howling). You can find more information on that here.